Company Heritage

Company Heritage
Jamieson Contracting was formed 30 years ago in 1985, when founder Chris Jamieson started the family run business.
As a skilled plasterer operating across building sites throughout the North West of England, London and having gained experience of managing sites in Saudi Arabia, his knowledge and reputation for attention to detail were in such demand that the Company has grown organically into the multi million pound turnover business it is today.
Jamieson’s now employ a large workforce of skilled trades people, contractors and supporting office team, all sourced from local areas that service a wide range of clients from the private, public and voluntary sectors throughout the North of England.
Having built the business on the solid grounding of core family values, the Jamieson Way, is instilled throughout its people, practices and projects from beginning to completion.
This difference brings back business year after year from a strong repeat and new client base and their long list of enviable testimonials endorse the successes they have delivered on.